Awadhi recipe - Kashmiri Khatte Baingan

Here is an Awadhi variation of Kashmiri Khatte Baingan.

Ayurvedic Brinjal recipeHere is an Awadhi variation of Kashmiri Khatte Baingan.

Ingredients for Khatte Kashmiri Baingan

500 gm Brinjal, chopped lengthwise
1 cup Oil
4 cloves
1tsp Kashmiri Mirch
1 pinch Heeng (Asafotida)
2 tsp minced ginger
2 green chillies
300 gm tomatoes, chopped fine (or a small ball of tamarind pulp)
½ cup Onion-garlic paste
½ tsp Cumin powder
¼ tsp Turmeric powder
½ cup Water
Salt to taste

Preparation of Khatte Kashmiri Baingan

Awadhi recipe - Kashmiri Khatte BainganHeat oil in a wok or pan and deep fry the brinjal pieces. Drain and keep aside.

To the remaining oil add Kashmiri mirch, asafetida, cloves, tomatoes, turmeric and cumin powder.

Stir and cook for a while. Then add onion-garlic paste. Continue stirring and cooking till the tomatoes turn pulpy.

Add water and fried brinjal pieces and cook some more. Add ginger and chillies, simmer, cover the pan and take it off the fire.

Khatte Kashmiri Baingan are ready to serve in a while.

Ayurvedic prescription

Ayurvedically speaking, though individual food items have their own strengths, on cooking along with other ingredients, the prabhaav may change. For instance, tomatoes on their own have a heating vipaka and provoke vata, pitta and kapha dosha. Yet when cooked with cumin, turmeric and onions, they work fine.

Cumin seeds pacify all three doshas. Cumin improves digestion and the absorption of minerals in the intestines.

Turmeric can be used by all. It helps with digestion and maintains the flora of the intestines. It reduces gas, has tonic and antibiotic properties as well.

Cooked onions have a sweet vipaka and are good to calm vata dosha in particular. On the contrary, raw onions can increase vata!

Fresh ginger balances the three doshas but in excess it can provoke pitta.

Cloves are a good digestive stimulant, increasing pitta while decreasing vata and kapha.

Anisha Sharma
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