Salvia in North Indian garden, Lucknow Photo Journal

Salvia in North Indian garden, Lucknow

Bright red Salvia Splendens remains my favourite as it is a real hardy plant, and requires little care. It is the most common variety in an Indian garden – red salvia. Lots of sunlight, daily watering (not too soggy) and lots of space to grow (a

19 March, 2014 | Views: 12943

Petunias in Lucknow garden

petunia in north indian garden (5)

Petunias are grown as winter seasonal flowers in North indian gardens. They are found in red, pink, violet, magenta, yellow, white and mauve.They can be grown from seeds, but it is easier to grow them from transplants.

19 March, 2014 | Views: 15139

Garden herbs of India, Day 1, Chaangeri herb for Vitamin C deficiency

Chaangeri Ayurvedic herb home medicine

To my delight most of the vegetation was a challenge even for our gardeners. I went around tasting every leaf, flower and fruit that came my way. Chaangeri or Indian Sorrel was thus discovered. I called it Khatti Patti, going by the deliciously

25 February, 2014 | Views: 11334

Sri Devraha Baba Samadhi, Vrindavan Photo Journal

Sri Devraha Baba Samadhi, Vrindavan

The white monument that you see across River Yamuna is the sacred samadhi of Devraha Baba. It is part of the lesser known Vrindavan. Its acres of greens and peace are known to its seekers. I remember the full moon night of Sharad Purnima when I

19 January, 2013 | Views: 68858

Stories from Vrindavan's Banke Bihari temple