Summer lunch recipe, Curd rice Thai sadam

curd rice thai saadam

Curd rice is a cooling food, and reduces pitta in summer.

Ingredients for Curd rice

Cooked rice: 1 cup

Yoghurt: 1cup

Pomegranate seeds: 1 teaspoon

Coriander leaves: a few, chopped fine

Curry leaves: 5

Urad dal: 10 grain

Gram dal: 10 grain

Asafetida (Heeng): a pinch

Ghee or butter: 1 teaspoon

Green chilly: 1/2 chilly chopped fine

Mustard seeds: 1/4 teaspoon

In a bowl, mix cooked rice with yoghurt and salt to taste.

Heat a pan. Add ghee/butter, mustard seeds, urad and gram dals, green chilly, curry leaves and heeng. When the seeds crackle, switch off the heat and pour it over the rice and yoghurt kept in a bowl earlier. Mix well. Add pomegranate seeds and coriander leaves. Serve cold or at room temperature with a salad, papad/chips, pickle and cooling drink of Imli Pana, Mango pana or sugarcane canny.

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