Turmeric Orange Honey Ayurvedic Salad recipe

turmeric orange honey salad ayurvedic recipe

Pitta increasing turmeric and honey with flavourful oranges, rich in phytonutrients, all in a yummy salad, makes for a lovely start to a winter morning.

09 June, 2018 | Views: 2780

My Beetroot Amlaki healthy sweet recipe

Amla Beetroot Indian dessert salad recipe (4)

I make this winter treat when Amlaki or gooseberry and beetroot, both powerful immunity boosting foods are fresh and in plenty:)

03 November, 2017 | Views: 10844

Amla Almond Vegan dessert from Indian home cooking recipes

amlaki trufffle

Super food Amlaki or gooseberry in a nutritious dessert from India. आमले और बादाम का यह लड्डू एक पारंपरिक भारतीय मिठाई है, जो कि 2 हफ्ते तक खाने योग्य रहती है|

19 October, 2017 | Views: 6202

9 ways to enjoy sundried ginger sugar

make ginger sugar at home

Ginger sugar is one of the easiest things to make. Glass jars, ceramic bowls or a steel tray covered with cotton muslin cloth make for convenient sun-drying equipment.

14 August, 2017 | Views: 7088

Arvind Singh Mewar - Maharana Udaipur plays custodian