Anti-depression pill

With a friend as great as God, a mind and body as gifts from Him, need we fall in traps of depression and failure?

Anti-depression pill, how to be calm and peacefulDepression is a state of failed promise to oneself. Is it time to collect our wits together and reach out for new promises we make to ourselves? We are the ones who set our goals, and promise to reach them. We can do that yet again!

So what if resources have dwindled, we still have some. If nothing else, our body and mind our greatest ever resource is still there to bail us out of failure and depression.

Friends may have bid goodbye. There are new ones waiting, if we are open to befriend them. If new friendships set alarms ringing, the oldest and ever faithful friend, God is still there. Can we ask for more? With a friend as great as God, a mind and body as gifts from Him, need we fall in traps of depression and failure?

Life is a magic-wand we've been given along with all the other gifts from our Maker. Can we cry and call it useless paraphernalia? It's an opportunity to be happy through service and sharing of good things with the rest of Creation.

All the happiness that we feel as an individual is manifolded when shared with family and loved ones. Does it not indicate the simple rule of happiness, when shared it multiplies itself!

In little acts of service be it for fellow humans, animals or nature, we find happiness and with it peace in bundles so huge that there isn't a miserly corner for depression and failure.

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