Fascinated by worship at Jain temples

Jain temple worship

The Jain temples of Khajuraho have thriving monasteries attached to them as well as regular daily worship!

In Jain temples, rice is an important article used in worship. As are saffron, sandalwood and marwa seeds and leaves. These ladies are repeating a sacred mantra using a wooden rosary.

It is amazing to see them make a swastika with rice as they whisper their prayers. The making of swastika symbols with rice to the tune of prayers is a developed art form here.

In a visit to Khajuraho, where the Western group of temples do not have worship any more. Not like the busy and older Matangeshwar temple in any case. A simple of offering of flowers and coins can sometimes be seen at the entrance of Khandariya Mahadeva temple. Coming back to the subject, a visit to the South group of temples in Khajuraho itself was a surprise after visiting the Western group. The Jain temples here have thriving monasteries attached to them as well as regular daily worship!

Here, our guide gave us some rice to offer inside the temples. He explained that rice is a symbol of abundance and nirvana.

It is important that an offering of some sort is taken when visiting a deity, king or holy person, according to Indian scriptures.

Khajuraho sculptures

Anisha Sharma
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